How to negotiate your salery and contract

Åbent for tilmelding

Don’t accept bad agreement in terms of salary and working conditions. Learn to negotiate well, to ensure good salary and working conditions.

When you have stepped passed the borders and settled an employment, then you should receive a contract and negotiate your salary. During this process you must ensure that you avoid all the traps, and do not sign an agreement you later will regret that you have signed.

Konstruktørforeningen (The the Danish Association of Architectural Technologists and Construction Managers) can ensure that both you contract, and salary is in check, and furthermore through professional counselling, we can clarify and increase the awareness of your working rights.

Furthermore, we would be able to assist you in terms of salary expectations, how to negotiate salary, both when entering a new employment, or if you already have an ongoing employment with a salary negotiation meeting.

The counselling includes e.g.

  • What an employment contract should consist of
  • What your rights are, and what you can negotiate
  • What salary you can expect
  • What other negotiations you could make
  • How you should respond if you were not able to achieve want you wanted

On this webinar you are going to meet Petur Poulsen, who is a legal advisior in Konstruktørforeningen. He has more years of experience in negotiation and counselling architectural technologist and construction managers (bygningskonstruktør).

KF Jobwebinar
This webinar is a part of several taget webinars, that are aimed towards counselling architectural technologist and construction managers, who are in the beginning of their career, searching for new employment or are interested in enhancing their career. This webinar is relevant for people in employment, graduates, and unemployed workers.

Kursus nr.: 2025015
06. mar. 2025, kl. 17:00 - 18:00
Ledige pladser:
297 ud af 300
05. mar. 2025
Afbud senest:
05. mar. 2025
Ikke-Medlemmer:250,00 kr.

Alle priser vises inkl. moms.
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