Working in Denmark – know your rights and opportunities

Åbent for tilmelding

Join the online meeting for internationals and get to know more about your rights and opportunities in the Danish building industry.

Konstruktørforeningen (KF) and FAOD invites all English-speaking ATCM’s and architects to an afternoon of networking in a webinar, where you learn how a trade union and an unemployment insurance fund can support you in your work life in the building industry.

Sign up for free and bring a colleague or a fellow student.

Learn about the Danish labor market and your rights as an employee.

You will get
An introduction to the Danish labor market and flexibility systemLegal advises on contracts, rights and salary as an employee in in the building industryAn introduction to the unemployment insurance fund system Benefits and opportunities as a member of a trade unionNetworking with other international employees.Sign up for free and bring a colleague or a fellow student.

Practical information
The event takes place as an online webinar with the opportunity to ask questions through live chat. You will be sent a link which will be played directly in the browser. You don’t have to install anything. There will be time for questions during and at the end.

It is not permitted for you to record sound and images of the webinar.

Kursus nr.: 2025003
25. feb. 2025, kl. 17:00 - 18:30
Ledige pladser:
148 ud af 150
24. feb. 2025
Afbud senest:
24. feb. 2025

Alle priser vises inkl. moms.
Du kan pt. ikke tilmelde dig dette arrangement. Kontakt evt. Konstruktørforeningen